Why not join our wonderful crew of caring and creative volunteers? In addition to the volunteer opportunities outlined below, our agency also relies on the generous help of volunteers to assist us in the areas of fund-raising, publicity, board management, and special event planning. If you feel that you have an interest and skill you'd like to share with our agency and the young people we serve, and have the time to do so on a regular basis, fill out a Volunteer Application Form on-line.
We are actively recruiting new members for our volunteer Board of Directors. If you have an interest in giving some time to guiding a great organization that serves the needs of special needs children in the Hamilton area, please email your resume to gpeso2000@yahoo.ca for consideration. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month.
Alternately, feel free to fill out an application form and either submit it to the office by mail or in person, or by e-mail:
Volunteer Application Form (.pdf format)
Volunteer Application Form (word doc)

At Hamilton & District Extend-A-Family we appreciate our volunteers every day of the year!
Whether you're a Buddy, a Board Member, a Recreation Program Assistant, working in the office, raising funds or raising awareness, you're making a difference in our lives. From our children with special needs, their families and our staff....
THE BUDDY PROGRAM: An individual volunteer over 18 yrs old forms a friendship with a child with special needs, providing respite to their families by taking the child on regular outings in the community. Pursue a hobby together, enjoy community events, or participate in our ASD/Recreation events.
THE JUNIOR BUDDY PROGRAM: An individual volunteer between over 16 yrs old forms a friendship with a child with special needs, under the supervision of the child's parents or guardian.
THE ASD/RECREATION PROGRAM: Groups meet six times a month for fun activities in the community or for activities at our facility. The activities are planned and supervised by our ASD/Recreation Coordinator, with the assistance of volunteers. Recreation Program Volunteers must be a minimum age of 14 and are asked to attend a minimum of one event per month. Come out and join our team for a game of bowling, a movie, lazertag or a WII challenge. It's a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
PROGRAM BUDDIES: Volunteers who attend the ASD/Recreation Program form a friendship with one special child and choose to meet and share one-one-one time with them at ASD/Recreation events.
THE HOST PROGRAM: A volunteer family befriends a child with special needs and takes this young person out of the home on a regular basis to provide respite for parents and siblings while offering enriched social experiences for the child.
At Extend-A-Family we're always on the lookout for volunteers to help with many ongoing projects. If your interested in a volunteer opportunity, please contact our office (905) 383-2885 or e-mail eaf@execulink.com
Registered Charitable Number 11895 1557 RR0001