Hamilton and District Extend-A-Family offers many programs that serve the special needs community.
BUDDY PROGRAM: An individual volunteer (over age 19) befriends a child with special needs and provides respite to their families by taking the child on regular outings in the community.
JUNIOR BUDDY PROGRAM: A volunteer (between ages of 16 -19) befriends a child with special needs and provides respite to their families by visiting the child in their home or accompanying and assisting the regular caregiver on outings in the community. The Junior Buddy engages and befriends the child under adult supervision.
PROGRAM BUDDY PROGRAM: A volunteer (over 16 years of age) befriends a child with special needs by meeting them at at our ASD/Recreation Program on a regular basis. The volunteer makes arrangements with the child's family to meet the child at a mutually convenient outing and helps to supervise and engage the child during the event.
ASD/RECREATION PROGRAM: Recreation events are offered at least six times a month in the community or at our facility. The activities are planned and supervised by our ASD/Recreation Coordinator, with the assistance of volunteers. Activities in the community provide opportunities for fun and friendship with peers and volunteers. Parents and caregivers received a few hours of respite on a regular basis.
HOST PROGRAM: A volunteer family befriends a child with special needs and takes the young person out of the home on a regular basis to provide respite for both parents and siblings while offering enriched social experiences for the child.
SUMMER SUPPORT PROGRAM: Summer Support Workers help to supervise group activities throughout the summer in addition to working with children one-on-one. Events are planned in the community with a focus on outdoor activities. Parents receive many hours of respite through the support offered during the challenging summer months.
Registered Charitable Number 11895 1557 RR0001